Richard Ⅲ
Client : Create Theatre Poster (2018)
Project “Create Theatre Poster” supplies experimental stage in poster creative. The classic has universality. But in additional, we need a new philosophy, more creative, more modern. Using the works of the great playwright, we create the poster that has never exist.
I wanted to express a human being in this poster. Richard is called a villain, but he is an attractive villain. His complicated mentality is something familiar to us in modern. Did Richard III want to be Richard III? Did he hope to escape from the castle rather? A castle that gave him joy, tormented him, confined him. The shout of his anguish shattered the walls and finally released him. It is a work that spelt its name using pieces of the castle wall.
728×1030mm Offset Printing
- CO2 Poster Biennial
- TDC67 (campaign)