

Jisuke Matsuda Profile

Jisuke Matsuda
Poster Artist

Born in 1964. Founder of Atelier Jisuke.

What is the concept of volume in sculpture? How to express that three-dimensionality on a flat surface? The necessary drawing skills for such representation. Influenced by the Bauhaus movement, particularly Kandinsky’s theories on abstract painting, which extend beyond the representational to the abstract. Progressing from points to lines and then to surfaces, self-taught due to personal circumstances, leading to the present.

In 2010, established Atelier Jisuke. Started creating posters in 2011. Notable works include the “Create Theatre Poster” series, offering a contemporary interpretation and expansion of Shakespearean plays. Since then, has participated in numerous international poster competitions, receiving awards in Moscow, Warsaw, New York, and other locations.
Graphis Poster Annual 2021 jury
Graphis Design Mater

松田 治助   マツダジスケ
立体に於けるボリュームとは。その立体を平面で表現する。その際に必要なデッサンとは。具象のみならず抽象にも通ずるバウハウス、特にカンディンスキーの抽象的絵画論に影響を受ける。点から線そして面へと、自らの置かれた状況により独学にて現在に至る。2010年、Atelier.Jisuke(アトリエジスケ)を設立。2011年からポスター制作を開始。代表作はシェイクスピアの戯曲を現代的に解釈・展開する「Create Theatre Poster」シリーズ。以来、多数の国際ポスターコンペティションに参加。モスクワ・ワルシャワ・ニューヨークなど、受賞歴あり。